- After 7
- Anthony, El
- Baby Huey and the Babysitters
- Babyface
- Ball, Billy and the Upsetters
- Bell, James
- Bentley, Mary Denise
- Black Conspirators
- Black Magic
- Blaine, Lois
- Burris, Warren
- Byrd, George
- Care Package
- Chain Reaction
- Checkmates Ltd
- Cherry Fogg
- Circle City Band
- Clark, Rickie
- Clay, Otis
- Cohorts
- Cooper, Funder
- Counts (Indianapolis)
- Deele
- Delcos
- Delvados
- Demons
- Devil’s Workshop
- Diplomatics
- Ebony Rhythm Band
- Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign
- Enchanting Enchanters
- Everyday People
- Fabulous Kings
- Fabulous Moonlighters
- Fabulous Souls
- Fabulous Traits
- Foster, Billy
- Four Sensations
- Fourth Room
- Frazier, Caesar aka Ceasar Frazier
- Funk Dogg
- Funk St. Workshop
- Funk, Inc.
- Garvin, Flo
- George, Herman
- Giraffe Winterfield
- Gotee, Rojay
- Graham, Big Daddy
- Griffin, Reggie
- Hamilton Movement
- Hamptons
- Harris, Thurston
- Harrison, Spider
- Higgins, Chuck
- Highlighters Band
- Hinton, Joe
- I.N.D.
- Indiana Travelers
- Indys
- Intellects
- Jackson Five
- Jackson, Jackie
- Jackson, Janet
- Jackson, LaToya
- Jackson, Marlon
- Jackson, Michael
- Jackson, Randy
- Jackson, Rebbie
- Jackson, Tito
- Jazzie Cazzie and the 8 Sounds
- Jewel
- Johnson, Roosevelt and the 7C’s
- Jones, Booker T. aka Booker T.
- Jones, Bustopher
- Keith, Gordon
- King James Version
- Layne, Cynthia
- Lee, General
- Lester, Lonnie
- Liggett, Larry
- Little Murray and the Mantics
- Lost Weekend
- Malachi
- Manchild
- Mazelle, Kym
- Mello-Tones
- Merging Traffic
- Monograms
- Montiques
- Mr. Feelgood
- Mr. Gee and the Fifth Generation
- New World
- O’Henry
- O’Neal, Alexander
- Opals
- Orsi, Phil
- Palmer, Blues
- Patterson, Kellee
- Pearls
- People In the News
- PHD’s
- Presidents
- Ranelin, Phil
- Redd Hott
- Rhythm Machine
- Ross, Johnny and the Soul Explosions
- Sams
- Scruggs, Jimmy
- Sentimentals
- Soul, Johnny and the J.S. Blues Bunch
- Spaniels
- Steady Wailin’ Sid
- Stepp, Rodney
- Survivors
- Swinging Allusions
- Thomas, Timmy
- Thunderbirds featuring Terry Allman
- Together
- Turner Bros. aka Allison and Calvin Turner
- Vamp
- Vanguards
- Vincent, Bill and Chapter 7
- Vondells
- Voyage
- Walker, Junior
- Washington, Geno
- Washington, Lou D.
- Wiggins, Ron
- Williams, Deniece
- Wooden Glass
- Wooten, Billy
- Words of Wisdom – Truth Revue
- World Column