Category Archives: 1970-1979
3 Souls aka The Three Souls
700 West
Aardvark Records
Accents (Indianapolis)
Aebersold, Jamey
Airtown Records
Alamo String Band
All-Indy Records
Allee, Steve
Allen, Ruthie
Alley, Jim
Alpert, Trigger
American Way
Anderson, Bob & the Country Ramblers
Andrews, Jeff
Appleton, “Killer” Ray
Arlene’s House of Music
Art Thieves
Arthur, George
Arthur’s Music
Ayers, Cliff
B.F. Trike
Baby Huey and the Babysitters
Baker, David
Ball, Billy and the Upsetters
Barham, Bruce
Barnett, Mark
Barron, Tony
Barth, Benny
Basic Records
Bean Blossom
Bell, Dee
Bell, James
Benjamin, Randy
Bennett, Boyd
Bennett, Jimmy
Bennett, Jimmy & Linda
Bentley, Mary Denise
Berkoski, Don
Bermuda Triangle
Bernhart, Milt
Bet Records
Betty and Dave
Big Twist and the Mellow Fellows
Bill Levin Presents
Bingham, Mark
Birchall, Steve
Bird, Arvel
Bitterroot Band
Black Conspirators
Black Magic
Bleak, Charlie
Blue Eagle Records
Blue, Jeff
Bluegrass Blackjacks
Bluegrass Connection
Bluegrass Messengers
Bonnie Gringo Band
Boys From Indiana
Bradshaw, Jack
Brand X
BRBQ Records aka Bar-B-Q Records
Brecker, Michael
Briggs, Tim
Brim, John
Brown County Band
Brown, Marv and the Country Steelers
Bubbles, John W.
Bud Pressner Recording Studio
Bunch, John
Burton, Gary
Butler Brothers
Butler Music Company
Byrd, Dessa
Byrd, George
C.C. Express
Caboose Productions
Caboose Productions
Campbell, Royce
Candoli, Conte
Candoli, Pete
Captain Hook and His Pirate Crew
Captain Stubby
Care Package
Carol Lou Trio
Carousel Productions
Cellutron and the Invisible
Changing Thyme
Checkmates Ltd
Chosen Few (Muncie)
Circle City Records
Clark, Rickie
Clay, Otis
Clowes Hall
Club 2147
Cobine, Al
Coe, Jimmy
Collins, Cal
Columbia Records Custom Pressing
Comay’s Records
Commercial Features
Condon, Eddie
Conservatory of Music
Cooper, Funder
Country Travelers
Counts (Indianapolis)
Crazy Al’s
Crothers, Scatman
Daglish, Malcolm and Larson, Grey
Daily, Pete
DeFord Sound Workshop
Derby Town
Derringer, Rick
Dixie and the Power & Light Company
Dow Jones and the Industrials
Dowell, Joe
Dupree, Champion Jack
Dynamite Butch
Easy Prize Records
Easy Street
Eaton, John
Ebony Rhythm Band
Ebony Rhythm Funk Campaign
Eclipse aka Eclipse Band
Edwards, Joe
Electrosound Group Midwest
Elliott Hall of Music
Embassy Theater
Emmons, Buddy
Enchanting Enchanters
Erect Records
Ex-Plo Records
Ezekial Longspur
Fabulous Moonlighters
Fabulous Souls
Faith Band
Falls City Ramblers
Fathers and Suns
FBC Band
Feebe ‘N the Ragweed Patche
Fell, Eleanor
First Friday
Five Chords
Five Easy Pieces
Flory, Med (aka Supersax)
Flowers Records
Foley, Webb
Foster, Billy
Four Freshmen
Fourth Room
Frank and Clyde
Frazier, Caesar aka Ceasar Frazier
Free Reign
Fricke, Janie
Frog’s Records
Funk Dogg
Funk St. Workshop
Funk, Inc.
Gaither, Bill
Ganzberg, Jimmy
Garber, Jan
Gayle, Crystal
George and Charlie
George, Herman
Giardina, Pete
Glenn Records
Gnaster, Tom
Golden Memories
Golden Moon Records
Good Cheer
Good Seed
Good Soil
Gooliak, Ray
Gore, Charlie
Gospel Oak
Gotee, Rojay
Great Divide
Greathouse Brothers
Griffin, Reggie
Growden, Gary Dean
Gulcher Records
Gunter, John aka The Singing Sheriff
Hacker, Ron
Haig, Ronnie
Hamilton Movement
Hamilton, Ed
Hamilton, Jeff
Hammond Civic Center
Hampton, Slide
Handley, Randy
Happy the Man
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